The Resistible Rise of Arturo UI – Auditions

Written by Bertolt Brecht
Translated by George Tabori
Revised by Alistair Beaton

Directed by Greg Mancusi Ungaro

Marblehead Little Theatre is please to announce the non-equity auditions for The Resistible Rise of Arturo UI.

Auditions will be held in 30 minute blocks of time with up to 4 auditioners in each block. Please use the button below to schedule your audition block.

Dates/Times: Monday July 8 and Tuesday July 9 from 6:00pm until 9:00pm.

Location: Marblehead Little Theatre, 12 School Street, Marblehead.

Please prepare two monologues (60-90 seconds each) to show their range.   One of the monologues should showcase ability with language and declamation.  (Shakespeare, Mamet, Sorkin, etc…)

Auditioners will present their prepared materials, and then may be asked to read some scenes or parts individually, or with other members of their group. 

12 performances are scheduled. September 27 – October 13

Information about the play for auditioners:

Brecht’s epic “Gangster Play” is a dark commentary of the perils of unchecked power. The broad themes are corruption, coercion, and violence as a means to gain power. It is a transparent allegory of Hitler’s rise to power in late 1930s Germany re-imagined in gangster-dominated Chicago of the 1920s. Another eerie parallel is Richard III.

The people of Chicago are unable to resist.

The Resistible Rise of Arturo UI is a fast-paced ensemble piece, full of black humor and pointed allegory. Only one or two actors (Arturo Ui, notably) play the same role from start to finish. All other cast members will double or even triple speaking roles, and all appear in the climactic finale. This will be an immersive production, in the Brechtian style. We will use the George Tabori translation, as revised by Alistair Beaton.
Prospective Actors are asked to prepare two monologues (60-90 seconds each) to show their range. One of the monologues should showcase ability with language and declamation.

Note: There are dark moments in the show, including several staged shootings. Some cast members will be asked to carry prop weapons (revolvers, Thompson machine guns) and a few cast members will be asked to use blank-firing prop firearms in their performances.


Arturo Ui -Arturo Ui is the head of a Chicago gang that extorts, robs, and kills in order to gain power. He desires to have power over the entire city and is willing to use any means necessary to do so. Male identifying, 30+ years old
Ernesto Roma – Roma is Ui’s right hand man, and best friend. He would do anything, for Ui in order to ensure his power grows. Male identifying 30+ years old
Guiseppi Givola – a smooth-talking Florist, One of UI’s gangsters (Male or Female; 30+)
Emmanuel Giri – Ui’s preferred assassin. One of the Gangsters (Male or Female 30+)

The Cauliflower Trust
Butcher, Bowl, Clark, Sheet
The Cauliflower Trust consists of four men: Butcher, Clark, Sheet (a shipping tycoon), and Bowl (Sheet’s Accountant),. They desire to have their cauliflower be purchased by the local grocers. It currently is rotting away as no one is buying it. They hatch a scheme to misappropriate local funds to ensure their product is sold and they make money. Old Money. Upper Class. Club members. Originally conceived as male (possible that one or two of these could be cross-cast) 40+

Other Specific Characters
Old Dogsborough – Dogsborough is an old man who has an impeccable reputation in the community. Dogsborough secretly accepts shares of Sheet’s company and a house from the Trust, and because of this he too is able to be manipulated by Ui for fear of going to prison. Male identifying 60+
The Actor – The Actor is hired by Ui in order to teach him how to walk, speak, stand, and sit in a way that will command attention and power. The Actor is old, and his best acting days are behind him. Imagine that he spends his time delivering shakepearean monologues in a public park…. Maybe he drinks. Male (60+)
Ignatius Dullfeet – Dullfeet is the newspaper editor in Cicero. He has been printing the truth about Ui, and stops when asked to do so by the gangster believing they’ve come to a mutual respect and agreement. Strong willed – brave. Male identifying (30+)
Betty Dullfeet – Ignatius Dullfeet’s wife – Aligned with her husband. Attractive. Resists at first but slowly succumbs to UIs power, and eventually, to ensure her safety, aligns with Ui. (Female identifying 30+)
Dockdaisy – A young gangster groupie. Willing to do what the mob needs done. Female (20+)
Young Dogsborough – Old Dogsborough’s child. As much as possible, a young reflection of Dogsborough (18-30)
Inna – A younger gangster, protégé of Ernesto Roma

Other ensemble roles include
Master of Ceremonies, Judge, O’Casey, Defense Counsel, Jim Crockett, Shorty, Prosecution Attorney, Defendant Fish, Minister, assorted bodyguards, gunmen, grocers, reporters, and spectators.

Presented with the cooperation of the Heirs of Bertolt Brecht