Tag Archives: Children's Theatre

Giants in the Sky

Explore the world of Giants who live above the clouds. Ever since they left Earth a long time ago, the Giants have made a life up above where their job is to keep the sky beautiful. Polish the stars, poke the clouds to let it rain and paint the sunsets. But one curious Giant wonders what life is like on Earth…she steals a key to the locked up “beanstalk” and embarks on an adventure down below!

Music & Lyrics by DENVER CASADO

Directed by Ali Mahon Paige
Asst Directed by Katie Meuse
Musical Director Emily Northridge

Marblehead Little Theatre's Children's Musical is presented by a cast of 22 actors, ages 8-12 years old.

Fri, May 5 at 5:30 pm, Sat, May 6 at 1:00 pm, Sun May 7 at 1:00 pm

Ticket: $12.50 per seat. (No charge for children who can sit on a parents lap throughout the 1 hour show. There is no Intermission.)

Presented through special arrangement with Beat by Beat Press

Sally Sells Seashells (And You Can, Too!)

Directed by Ali Mahon
Asst Directed by Katie Meuse
Music Direction by Emily Northridge

Fabulous cast of children ages 7 through 12!

Sally is a kid con-artist who explodes onto a quiet beach town with a get-rich-quick seashell-selling-scheme. For a small fee, she trains the kids on how to sell seashells before the annual summer festival, but plans to skip town with all their money before the big event! Sally becomes torn after meeting a local, Tam, who joins the program eager to help her family. The kids in this little beach town will never be the same as they learn the importance of friendship, honesty, and finding a healthy balance between working hard and having fun.

Friday, April 29 and Saturday, April 30 are sold out.

Adventures in Imagination

MLT's Children's Theatre bring you a delightful journey exploring an Adventure in Imagination. An all original production from MLT's Theater Children. Written by Katie Meuse, Music and Lyrics by Emily Northridge and Directed by Ali Mahon and Edited by Jared Fratti.

Purchase Your Family Password for Adventures in Imagination

Support Children's Theatre

Please help support our Children's Theatre program
with a suggested donation of $15.

This video was produced following EEC and CDC covid-19 safe protocols.
No humans were harmed in the production of this video.