
Written by Bill Cain
Produced by Greg Mancusi-Ungaro
Directed by John Fogle
Asst Directed by Jim Butterfield

Thank you Greg, John and Jim, the production team and the entire cast for bringing this outstanding production to Marblehead

Equivocation: definition -  the use of ambiguous or equivocal language.

"How to speak the truth in difficult times."

"Where's the dirt?"

"I don't believe in any of your hocus pocus."

Cast List

ShagKevin Walker
Cecil Brian Casey
Father GarnettJim Butterfield 
JudithRebecca Green
RichardDaniel Kelly
ArminStephen Turner
NateDave Foye
SharpeEric Roberts
WintourJohn Melczer
JuniorBrian Thibodeau
SeniorMark Borbeau

EQUIVOCATION is presented by special arrangement with Broadway Licensing, LLC, servicing the Dramatists Play Service collection. (www.dramatists.com)