The Resistible Rise of Arturo UI

Written by Bertolt Brecht
Translated by George Tabori
Revised by Alistair Beaton

Directed by Greg Mancusi Ungaro

Brecht’s epic “Gangster Play” is a dark commentary of the perils of unchecked power. The broad themes are corruption, coercion, and violence as a means to gain power. It is a transparent allegory of Hitler’s rise to power in late 1930s Germany re-imagined in gangster-dominated Chicago of the 1920s. Another eerie parallel is Richard III.

The people of Chicago are unable to resist.

September 27-October 13

AUDITION NOTICE for the Marblehead Little Theatre Non-Equity Production of The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui.

We are pleased to announce Open Auditions will be held July 8 and 9 from 6pm to 9pm.

Auditions are by scheduled time blocks. Walk-ins will be seen as time permits.

About BERTOLT BRECHT. (Playwright) Born in Bavaria, 1898. At 24, his cutting-edge Drums in the Night won him Expressionist recognition. His quickly written Threepenny Opera was Germany’s greatest hit of the 1920s. Revolutionary in form for 1928 Berlin – non-operatic, anti- highbrow musical theater – and cynically satirical, it irritated the Nazis; Brecht let Germany with his family in 1933. He continued to write in Scandinavia (e.g. Mother Courage) until the Nazi invasion. In California, along with some work for Hollywood he wrote The Caucasian Chalk Circle and Galileo, produced in L.A. in 1947. The House Un-American Activities Committee interrogated him that same year; he left the U.S. the following day. He established the Berliner Ensemble in 1949 in East Berlin, opening Mother Courage with his wife Helene Weigel; its 1954 tour to Paris brought him recognition as Europe’s most important director, a year before his untimely illness and death.

Presented with the cooperation of the Heirs of Bertolt Brecht